Sunday, March 22, 2009

Darth Maul

Darth Maul is the evil Apprentice of Lord Siddious (Chancellor Palapetine). There is no good in him at all. He mortally wounds Qui-Gon Jinn, who later dies. Later, he is killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi, after watching his master getting striked down.


Qui-Gon is the master of Obi-Wan Kenobi. When Qui-Gon finnds Anakin on the planet of Tatooine, he is amazed how strongly the force is with him. After freeing him from slavery, Qui-Gon immediatley brings the young Anakin Skywalker to the Jedi Council. Qui-Gon claims that the boy is the "Chosen One" who will bring balance to the Force, and requests to train him once Obi-Wan has completed the trials necessary to become a Jedi Knight. Yoda senses great fear in the boy, and tells him, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.", unknowingly recalling his turn to the dark side years later. Yoda plays a key role in that the council's initial decision to deny the request; he believes that Anakin is clearly affected by his years as a slave, and that he still clings too tightly to the memory of his mother to be trained safely. Thus, Yoda believes Anakin's future is clouded. Darth Maul's Sith master, Darth Sidious (Also known as Cancellor Palapitine), sends him to capture Queen Padme Amidala and kill the two Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maul fails in this task on Tatooine. In a vicious duel, Maul fends off both of his Jedi opponents using his double-bladed lightsaber. After separating the Jedi Master from his Padawan, Maul mortally wounds Qui-Gon. He then challenges Obi-Wan. The young Padawan, enraged at his master's death, strikes out at Maul with a furious assault, during which he cuts the Sith's lightsaber in half. However, Maul holds his ground, and eventually Force-pushes Obi-Wan into a pit. He taunts the Padawan, who dangles helplessly by a ledge, and kicks his lightsaber down the shaft. However, Obi-Wan calms himself and connects with the Force. He makes a spectacular leap out of the shaft and Force-guides Qui-Gon's lightsaber into his own hands, and cuts the astounded Maul in two as he stands with his mouth open. Maul barely has time to grimace as his body tumbles down the shaft in two pieces. His death proves to be only a minor setback for Sidious, who soon replaces him with an even more powerful apprentice, Darth Tyranus (Also known as Count Dooku). After that, permission is granted for Obi-Wan to train Anakin.


R2-D2 is always getting himself and others into trouble. He tends to wander off when somebody is looking for him. R2-D2 first became known to the Alliance after he fixed Queen Amidala's starship, while all the other spacedriods have already been blown off into space. The Jedi master, Yoda, announces that the droid should have special attention. R2-D2 plays a key role in helping the Alliance survive. He can find information from any computer system in the galaxy. He aslo carried plans for the Death Star (An armored battle station) in his system that helped the rebels find a weakness and destroy it. He is the only one who knows the full story of the Skywalker family.


C-3PO is always complaining about what R2-D2 says. He is a robot that is fluent in over 6,000,000 forms of communication. He was even once a translator for the Great Jabba the Hutt. He tries to act brave, but when he gets himself into trouble, he blames it on somebody else. He was created by Anakin Skywalker when Anakin was only 9. Later, he is sold to Luke Skywalker and his Uncle on the planet of Tatooine after bieng captured by Jawas. He assits R2 with the mission to deliver the secret plans to Alderaan along with Luke Skywalker, a Jedi master named Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, R2-D2, and a wookie named Chewy.

Padmé Amidala

Padmé is very smart in politics. She was first the Queen of Naboo and now she stands as a senator. She has made many deals to help the small band of Jedi's struggling to restore peace in the galaxy. Senator Amidala is always willing to help people. When she hears that people are dying or sad, she is there to help. She is caring, but knows the rules. when Anakin confessed that he loves her, she told him that they could not be. it would ruin them both. It was against the Jedi order to have eternal love or attachment. Padmé actually loved him too. They later got married secretly. Anakin had dreams about her dying at child birth. He would not let this happen. When he turned over to the dark side, Obi-Wan knew that Padmé was not aware of his decision. Unaware of his former Padawan's location, Obi-Wan visits Padmé and explains to her what Anakin has done. A horrified Padmé refuses to believe him, and will not reveal Anakin's whereabouts, knowing that Obi-Wan will attempt to kill him. Before departing, Obi-Wan tells that he knows Anakin is the father of her unborn child. Desperate to know the truth, Padmé sets out to the Mustafar system to confront Anakin herself as Obi-Wan secretly stows away in her ship. Arriving on Mustafar, Padmé confronts Anakin and realizes with horror that Obi-Wan had been telling the truth. When Obi-Wan emerges from Padmé's ship, an enraged Vader immediately suspects that Padmé has betrayed him and uses the dark side to choke her into unconsciousness. Obi-Wan is then engaged by Vader in a furious lightsaber duel, which ends with Obi-Wan severing Vader's legs and left arm midair after Vader recklessly attacks Kenobi from below. After Vader's incapacitation, Kenobi retrieves Anakin's lightsaber from the ground as his former friend is consumed by the fires of the molten lava. Vader survives, as Palpatine arrives, uses Sith healing and medical droids to perform emergency treatment and then outfits him with the iconic black body armor seen in the original films. Later, Obe-Wan watches helplessly as Padmé dies right after giving birth to twins, Luke and Leia.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi is a powerful Jedi master. He has learned many things since the death of his master, Qui-Gon Jinn. He defated Darth Hold (Former apprentice of the Sith Lord)who killled his master. He is always trying his best. Kenobi promissed Qui-Gon Jinn that he would train Anakin as a Jedi. He kept his promise and did. First, Obi-Wan initially believes the boy is too old and has too many emotional attachments to become a Jedi. The Jedi Council agrees with Obi-Wan, and forbids Anakin's training, sensing that the boy's future is clouded by the fear he exhibits. Because of his promise, he trained him anyway. He knew that Anakin wanted to become a master more than anything. Kenobi knew as the Sith Lord knew, if Anakin where to become evil, he would be a threat to the rebels. Still, he continued to train him. He really does not enjoy flying. When Anakin tries out his new stunts, Obi-Wan claims them to be suicide. Kenobi can be sensitive some times too. When he seea the video tapes of Anikan pledging his life to the dark side, he is horrified. Knowing that Padm'e (Anakin's wife) was unawear of the situation, he confronted her. He is never afraid to tell the truth to people that he knows will never believe it.

Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker was a young slave. He worked on the remote planet of Tattoine. He was very good with fixing things, for that was what people made him do. He had too much confidence in himself, which caused him to turn evil. He belived that he should become a master himself, instead of the perfectly good postion as a Padawan learner. There was a temtation by the dark side to let him become a master. He took the position as the dreaded Sith Lord's apprentice, Darth Vadar. When he was only 9 ears old, won a pod- racing tournament to raise money for a jedi master named Qui-Gon Jinn to buy a part for his ship. Qui-Gon Jinn freed him from slavery and took him back to the capitol to be trained as a jedi. He later became the greatest fighter pilot in the galaxy, under the supervision of his great jedi master named Obi-Wan Kenobi. His hatred over came him when his mother died, and he was then tempted by the Dark Side. Knowing that death was Anakin's weakness, Senator Palpatine (Sith Lord) made up a story about a Sith lord so powerful, he could prevent people from dying. Then, the good man named Anakin Skywalker, became a god of evil. Luke (Anakin's son) believed there was still good in him. There was.