Sunday, March 22, 2009


This movie series is action packed. The basic storyline is:

1) A jedi master finds Anikan Skywalker
2) Anikan later turns into an evil Sith lord called Darth Vadar
3) Anikan' s wife dies at child birth
4) Obe Wan Kenobi (Anikan's former Master) is forced to seperate the twin children so that they would be hidden from the Emporer (Anikan's new master of evil)
5) Darth Vadar becomes powerful
6) Princess Leia (The daughter of Anikan Skywalker) steals secret plans to a armored battlestation called the Death Star
7) R2-D2 takes the plans on a memory card to try to deliver them to the rebels on a secret planet.......

You will have to watch the movies to learn more!!!

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